Venturing Crew 688.
March 25, 2006
Crew 688 spent a day in the Southern California snow.
Three Crew members, two Scouters and a recruit spent the day on Mount Baldy sliding and bouncing down the hills as well as having a couple of snowball fights and building a couple of snowmen. It was a fun time for all.
August 27, 2006
Three crew members were among a group who spent the night at LaserQuest in Fullerton. The five and one half hour adventure gave the members plenty of time to hone their target shooting skills in a safe indoor environment. Pictured below: Crew members review their score sheets between games.
May 3, 2015
Crew 688 is active again and we are currently recruiting. In the meantime, we had our first campout at the LAAC Centenoree.
January 4, 2008
Crew 688 is active again under the leadership of a new president and with a few recruits from Troop 688. The first outing of the year was at the Rock Gym in Signal Hill. The crew members will be planning more outings and recruiting new members.